work & research

As Fair Mobility, the results of our research, exchanges, field work and participative frameworks will be made available as tools that are accessible to citizens, policy makers, planners and stakeholders.

We will continue to update this page with links, downloadable articles and research results and much more, so stay tuned.

For now, you’ll find a list of the planned outputs and their foreseeable content, below.

Photo from Fair Mobility workshop in Ebensee.

Framework and analysis report

A brief description of the framwork and analysis report, when to expect it by, and what it will entail.

A summary of the case, and the objectives: why this case, what makes it unique, and what are the expected outcomes?

Inclusive mobility policies and Instruments in Europe

The deliverable provides a comprehensive overview of policies towards fair mobility and equal access to amenities and will be delivered by the end of the first year of the project (November 2024). An inventory of existing policies and tools will help identify best practices and proven methodologies to be tested in the pilot cities. The study will explore gender-sensitive implications on mobility patterns and the links with the current policy frameworks at macro and micro territorial levels. The first step will be an assessment of the global and EU policy frameworks, followed by the comparative analysis at national and local level in Austria, France, Germany and Romania.  Other municipalities will be identified to serve as benchmarks for the two pilot sites. This task paves the way to the replicability component which will be developed in the future stages of the project.

More on the report goes here, including categories, headings and descriptive texts with downloadable links etc.

A summary of the case, and the objectives: why this case, what makes it unique, and what are the expected outcomes?

Local Diagnosis of mobility practices

A brief description of Local Diagnosis of mobility practices report, when to expect it by, and what it will entail.

More on the report goes here, including categories, headings and descriptive texts with downloadable links etc.

A summary of the case, and the objectives: why this case, what makes it unique, and what are the expected outcomes?

Co-created and tested mobility instruments

A brief description the instruments, when to expect it by, and what it will entail.

More on the mobility instruments goes here, including categories, headings and descriptive texts with downloadable links etc.

More segments, downloadable links etc

Catalogue of solutions

A brief description the catologue, when to expect it by, and what it will entail.

More on the catalogue and categories etc.

More segments, downloadable links etc

Recommendation programme

A brief description of the recommendations

the recommendation outline in categories goes here, with photos and download links etc.

A summary of the case, and the objectives: why this case, what makes it unique, and what are the expected outcomes?

Fair Mobility Dialogues Report

A brief description of report, when to expect it by, and what it will entail.

More on the report goes here, including categories, headings and descriptive texts with downloadable links etc.

A summary of the case, and the objectives: why this case, what makes it unique, and what are the expected outcomes?

Fair Mobility Short films

As fair mobility, we will be engaged with the cases we’re emerged in, speak to locals, and visually explore the challenges faced by the community. The films will be made available here, when ready. For now, enjoy our launch video.

This video was created for the project launch in Brussels in Spring of 2024.  

More segments, downloadable links etc

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